The River Community Church

Share Your Prayer Request

Recent Prayer Requests

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

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Gary Brittain

Please continue to pray for my wife Kelly to help relieve her constant pain.

Received: March 8, 2015

Debra Mumaw

Please pray for the Barnum & Caleb S. households to be in God's order, in Jesus name.

Received: March 8, 2015

NIkki Freeman

My husband's uncle passed - prayers for peace and comfort for his aunt and cousins.

Received: March 8, 2015

Melinda Dickerson

Continue prayer for expecting baby girl #4 in June. Continue prayer for our family adjusting to living here in TN from Maine, patience, perseverance and God's timing.

Received: March 8, 2015

Lynda Huddleston

Salvation for my son Conner.

Received: March 8, 2015

Kim Phann

Tia - salvation, Ella C.- healing, Brownie - grace, Randy R.- healing & grace, Austin E.- grace, Soldiers & their families - peace.

Received: March 8, 2015

Tabitha Hammonds

My mom has to go to the doctor Monday 3/9/15. Pray what they find is NOT serious.

Received: March 8, 2015

Eric Vaughn

Pray for me, my family and friends and our company and for us to be the hands and feet to who ever we meet. God is so good. Thanks so much.

Received: March 8, 2015

Gail Poston

Billy B - lung cancer

Received: March 8, 2015

Jeff Judah

For the Lord's grace for me and my family and for those who need Him more than I for all. Amen.

Received: March 8, 2015

Matthew Bimstein

Pray that you would provide for school. Actually that I would trust in you god that you would be glorified in everything that I do. That if it is in Your will that I would rest knowing you will guide my path.

Received: March 8, 2015


Please pray my dad's hand heals completely. Please pray for guidance and strength for my dad. Please pray my hand heals completely.

Received: March 8, 2015


Praise Go my mom's cyst is not cancer. Please pray my stomach heals completely. Please pray my mom's blockage, blood clot, head and knee heal completely.

Received: March 8, 2015


Please pray for God's favor in my job search and He will provide a job to meet my needs.

Received: March 8, 2015

De Carlin

Health - LaVon, Lynn - falling and unable to get up by herself. Pray for us to find a house we both agree on. God give me strength for work, compassion and empathy at home and work.

Received: March 8, 2015

Brent & Cindy George

Ms. Donna Reed is in Skyline Med. Center and needs our prayers. She is in rehab. Matt and MJ are just a few weeks away from being parents. Prayers that God will give them the wisdom to be Godly parents. Praise the Lord for each Prayer Warrior! Thank you Lord for being awesome!

Received: March 8, 2015

Sharon Buxton

I am battling with Thyroid issues. I have gained 15 lbs in a month and my hands and feet are swelling. I had a blood test but because of snow don't know results. Please pray for a speedy answer and solution.

Received: March 8, 2015

Catrina Howell

Please pray that God will send Robert a new job soon. His current job is ending soon. Please pray for a friend with 4 young kids in Chattanooga who is going through a bad divorce.

Received: March 8, 2015

Sheila Turner

Praise for returning the Vaughn's home Safety & Praise for all the Missions teams Healing & Comfort & Peace for Carol P., Brooke H., and my Dad For our relationships and marriages For understanding & direction as we care for our aging parents.

Received: March 8, 2015

Donna Mason

Health concerns - Dwight H, Walt D, Bill & JoAnn B, Wayne, Linda & Donnie C, Alice G, Jerry S, Dale G, Bobby N. Heal hearts - Marylin R, Flo W, Martha D.

Received: March 8, 2015

Sandy Amaral

Heling of strained muscle in my right leg from being on my feet for 8-9 hours at work. Wisdom & discernment in relationship with former friend in Massachusettes.

Received: March 8, 2015

Vickie Bilbrey

My will, sight, hearing & speech are God's; that God will reveal my Jubilee plan in all His glory; He will favor the upcoming Bible study; that a wonderful full-time job will open up for me. Heal my sister from gastro issues.

Received: March 8, 2015

Brian Amaral

Please pray for the Watts family. They once attended The River and have since moved. Clarence Watts passed away this week after battling cancer. Please pray for his wife and 3 young children.

Received: March 8, 2015


Pray for us in wisdom, strength, peace and in daily living as we take care of my mom who has memory issues. She takes 24/7 care. Pray for us as husband and wife caring for my family. Pray for our teen grand-daughters.

Received: March 8, 2015


For Abbi who will be going on the Merge trip in June; Bella who has a servant's heart - wisdom and direction.

Received: March 8, 2015


To sell our house, to grace our marriage and help us walk the way that God would approve. Be with those that are still cold and without electric and/or heat.

Received: March 8, 2015

Sarah E

Please pray for my children and I, for our finances, for our health and my son's special needs, for a legal issue regarding my daughter, etc. Thanks!

Received: March 8, 2015


Please pray that me and my family get along better and let me and my older sister get a closer bond and let us get a lot closer than we are now. Pray that I get closer friends and pray that me and my boyfriend get closer with our friendship and relationship and let me get closer with God also.

Received: March 8, 2015


Prayers needed for strength and my family. Praying for God to lead me. I need strength to move forward.

Received: March 8, 2015


My husband and I are still in a rough spot in our marriage. Prayers that it will better. Prayers also that he will find the Lord. Prayers for a good friend of mine and her marriage and children. Prayers my friendships grow stronger and never end. Prayers for my family and friends.

Received: March 8, 2015

Jim Fox

Two young ladies from Sparta Abby and Molly were in a very severe sledding accident yesterday and are at Erlanger. Abby has head trauma and needs prayer for the swelling to go down. Prayers for both families in the weeks ahead.

Received: March 6, 2015

Tracy Maynard

I just found out I have spinal stenosis. Having surgery march 13 with dr justice at Cookeville hosp

Received: March 5, 2015


Thank you for praying. I now have 4 potential job offers/interviews: 1) Apple Store Interview 2) Secretary (for Dept. of Child Services) 3) Aerotek (Warehouse) 4) Quality Inspector (Warehouse). Please pray for God's favor from these employers. Pray for God's leading and for me to have an obedient heart to follow where God wants me to go. I would prefer to work at Apple or as a secretary, please ask God to grant me the opportunity. I am still praying/working to do ministry vocationally, but I still have to work in the meantime. Thanks again.

Received: March 3, 2015

Lacey Cooper

Prayer for our baby boy, Harlan. He has been sick with chest congestion for 2 months. We have done every med we can and breathing treatments, but we are still very sick. We need prayer for health for our baby.

Received: March 1, 2015

Laura Crail

My son has a Vandy appointment tomorrow. We hope to get good news for not sleeping in a car seat anymore.

Received: March 1, 2015

Gail Poston

Gil F. general health issues.

Received: March 1, 2015

Karen Judah

Praises Jeff got a job. Please pray we get our income tax soon. Also pray for us, we have an unspoken and pray Linda either gets a job or goes back to Michigan.

Received: March 1, 2015


James D., my son, salvation, hope, safety.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please continue to pray for my wife, Kelly. To help relieve her constant pain caused by Tarlov Cyst on her spine.

Received: March 1, 2015

Jonathan Stephenson

For clarity in my decisions for the future. True joy and humility for what I have. A mentor in my life to come into my life. Safe travels back home and building confidence in myself and bettering my relationship with my dad. Focusing on my relationship with God.

Received: March 1, 2015

Jon Gasperson

Seeking prayer about maybe pursuing full-time ministry.

Received: March 1, 2015

Elizabeth Crail

For a new friend, Carolyn, that just met Friday. Her ex-husband took their daughter (age 8 at the time) to Canada and she will be 17 yrs old this year. Carolyn hasn't seen her since he took her. She's going to "walk" in Washington DC last week of March for international kidnapping.

Received: March 1, 2015

Brittany Gasperson

Please keep my mother-in-law in prayers. She had a biopsy on her pancreas to see why her diabetes is getting worse. Also my husband is feeling the call to ministry, please pray for discernment and wisdom.

Received: March 1, 2015

joya cole

Tracy, Rosalie, Debbie, Linda - healing

Received: March 1, 2015

Joellen Hamilton

My children and grandchildren.

Received: March 1, 2015

Kim Phann

Tia - salvation; Austin E. - healing & grace; Ella C. - healing; Randy R. - healing & grace; Mike - salvation; Brownie - healing & grace; Soldiers & their families - peace!

Received: March 1, 2015

Sandy Amaral

Wisdom and discernment in my life - to listen to God's voice and His direction in regards to personal relationship and to know those people I can speak with about healthy alternatives.

Received: March 1, 2015

Vickie Bilbrey

That my will and thoughts are God's through the Holy Spirit; reveal in completion my Jubilee; healing for my sister, Sherie, for IBS and relief from pain; that a well-paying, full-time job will be offered.

Received: March 1, 2015

Vivian Ward

I need God's guidance in making decisions on my future. I need healing.

Received: March 1, 2015

Kay Powell

Prayer for me and my family as Gary's health has taken a dramatic downward turn. Thank you!

Received: March 1, 2015

Kerry Wiggins

Breanna, 15 yr old dealing with anorexia nervosa - pray for healing, spiritual and other.

Received: March 1, 2015

Linda Greer

My oldest daughter is in the grips of the addiction of alcohol. Please pray for her to find hope, strength and healing.

Received: March 1, 2015

Sheila Turner

Healing for Bill C., my dad, Carol P., Brook H., For all the people going on Missions Direction, focus, strength, grace for ourselves and our children as we enter the next season of our lives.

Received: March 1, 2015

Bill and Sandy Cook

Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for healing me. Just can't thank you enough, their are not enough words to praise you. Thanks for your unconditional love.

Received: March 1, 2015

Margie Archer

Please pray for our neighbor who is having a double mastectomy tomorrow (Monday). Pray for healing and for God's peace for her, her husband and her 4 children.

Received: March 1, 2015

Donna Mason

Health concerns - Bobby N., Walt D., Jerry S., Melvin P., Alice G., Wayne, Linda & Donnie C., Bill & JoAnn B., Dale G.; Praise - all my medical tests came out good!

Received: March 1, 2015

Eric Vaughn

Keep me, family, friends and our business in your prayers and Monterey families. The Lord is so good.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please pray for guidance and strength for my dad. Please pray for God's favor in my job search and that He will provide a job to meet my needs. Please pray my stomach and hand heal completely.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please pray my mom's cyst isn't anything serious. Please pray my mom's head, knee, blockage and blood clot heal. Please pray my dad's hand heals completely.

Received: March 1, 2015

Kristy Maxwell

Still struggling with my divorce. Been in a relationship since then that wasn't healthy for me. We are broken up and I don't want to go back but I have a lot of fear.

Received: March 1, 2015

Sharon Buxton

For all the people who were and still are dealing with the after effects of the ice storm. May they be safe, warm and not hungry.

Received: March 1, 2015

Brent & Cindy George

Ms. Donna is in Skyline Medical. Pray for her and her family. She had a brain aneurism last week. Our daughter is in her 35th week of pregnancy, remember her and Matt. Praise God for answering prayer and bless all the prayer warriors.

Received: March 1, 2015

Larry and Marcy DeGrie

Please pray for our son Larry's family who is in so much turmoil. Pray for our 16 yr old grand-daughter who has tried to destroy herself.

Received: March 1, 2015


Would like prayer for my son that he will be safe and protected as he goes to Florida for 2 weeks with his dad.

Received: March 1, 2015


My mom that she can find strength to continue to keep going, my husband - keep him safe as he begins his new career as an OTR driver.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please pray for salvation, protection, healing and peace for George in Dayton, TN, Allen in Crossville, TN and Aaron in Bury St. Edmunds, UK.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please pray for my daughter, Chelsea, as she faces a very long week ahead of her.

Received: March 1, 2015

Jamie Leap

Those serving on the mission field her and abroad. Those affected by the ice storm.

Received: March 1, 2015


Prayers for my husband, that he will find the Lord. With him not believing, it makes our marriage harder. Prayers that I will see the good in every situation, prayers that friendships I have messed up will continue to improve. Prayers for my friend, her husband, their marriage and family. Prayer for my family and other friends. Prayer for the people affected by this winter weather. Prayers I can get over my past.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please pray that I graduate my senior year. Please pray that I get my phone and iPad back from my parents. Let us talk more about how we feel about how we need to trust one another. Please pray that I get friends because I have none, barely and please pray I get a job.

Received: March 1, 2015


Please keep my family and I in your prayers, along with my boyfriend and I.

Received: March 1, 2015

Tyler Phillips

Please keep Edward Haney in your prayers.

Also keep my step mothers step father Woody in your prayers he is in the ICU with pneumonia and had a major stroke

Received: March 1, 2015

Laura Perryman

Healing for Alby, Terry F; Darlene: financial/job, upcoming surgery, encouragement; pray for travel mercies and divine appointments for all the March mission teams; job opportunity for NW; Michael; me

Received: March 1, 2015


Our family needs prayer for my sister Brenda, she is currently being transferred to ICU because of a double kidney infection and possibility of sepsis. They are having difficulty stabilizing her blood pressure and heart rate during this time. Please pray for healing hands and knowledge for the Doctors to treat this quickly and effectively.

Received: February 28, 2015

Jim Florea

Pray for my Family as we pray and seek God for what is next for our family.

Received: February 28, 2015

Tyler Phillips

Please keep Beverly Gentry and her step father Woody in your prayers. He is in the hospital with a major stroke and pneumonia.

Received: February 26, 2015


I have several families, including my own, on my heart for several reasons. The reasons range from everything including the ice storm victims to families that are dealing with loss to suicide. God knows every single situation. Also, please pray for me as well.

Received: February 25, 2015


I really desire to do ministry at Pursuit Church as my vocation. My husband and I have been struggling financially, and, the Lord has shut the door it seems, for me to work any other place for the time being. I am planning to raise my salary for the staff position. Please pray for me to trust God completely during this time, patience during this season of my life, and provision for ministry. Please pray that the churches, and organizations that I contact will be willing to support me. Thank you.

Received: February 25, 2015


Please pray for my friend who is a drug addict and as a result has lost practically everything and is homeless and jobless. Has become a master manipulator and liar as result of this lifestyle, thus hurting himself and many others.Thank you so much.

Received: February 24, 2015


Thank you so much for praying for Toya! She did end up losing her child, but she called me and my husband and told us that she wanted to join us at our church. She said she wanted to have a better relationship with God!!!! I'm so thankful! Please continue to pray for her to know Christ through her situation, peace for her and her husband especially, and overall comfort from God during this time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your prayers!

Received: February 24, 2015

Kris Austin

Thank you for prayers for my husband's surgery tomorrow morning, Vanderbilt called to pre-register him, so this time the procedure will go through as scheduled. Also prayers for travel, as we will be leaving home about 4am.

Received: February 23, 2015

Sandra Gilbert

Healing for my family. That they will put God first in their lives.

Received: February 23, 2015


To get my son to Michigan by Tuesday and his father to make it through surgery with no complications.

Received: February 23, 2015

Vickie Bilbrey

That God will provide the full-time job at Accelecare. That my will, voice and thoughts are God's and that God will reveal my jubilee involving a finacial reset; that my sister's colon will be healed by the blood of Jesus.

Received: February 23, 2015

Catrina Howell

Please pray that God would send Robert new job opportunities soon. His job will be ending in March. Please pray that Vanessa will be able to to be adopted by her aunt.

Received: February 23, 2015

Sandy Amaral

Ongoing prayers for wisdom & discernment related to relationship with a friend from MA - unsaved family members - wisdom for dealing with behavioral issues with grandchild.

Received: February 23, 2015

Mark Poston

I need prayer for a neighbor Rodger Vaugn he has beed dianosed with lung cancer and also his wife and family need prayer as they face this challange. Thanks in advance

Received: February 23, 2015

Eric Vaughn

Thanks for the prayers for my family friends business also for the winter storm - family.

Received: February 23, 2015

Karen Judah

Please prya our taxes come in soon and pray for Autumn, our daughter, starts allergy shots and she's not wanting them. Pray it goes smoothly.

Received: February 23, 2015

De Carlin

Health - LaVon, Joe, Lynn - Dr. appt with liver transplant in Nashville at 7:30 AM. Travel mercies for us and Cody flying in from CO - weather permitting. Lord give me strength for work, patience and compassion at home.

Received: February 23, 2015

Lisa R. Young

Please pray for folks still without power and gas/no heat. Crossville and Pleasant Hill area got hit hard. Maybe one week until they get restored. Pray for people out of work because they couldn't make it and their job may be on the line.

Received: February 23, 2015

Bill Cook

Praise the Lord for answer to prayers. Thank each of you for your heart felt, tear filled, loving prayers. Prayer does work.

Received: February 23, 2015


That I can c continue to work on forgiveness. There are many things from my past I'm having lots of trouble forgiving. Prayers that friendships I've ruined will continue to improve and last a lifetime. Prayers for a friend and her marriage and their family, prayers my husband will find the Lord, prayers for my other friends and my family.

Received: February 23, 2015

Michele Fields-Shaw

Please add Dennis Mingus, US Army, stationed in South Korea to your prayer list for safety of mind, body and soul as he serves our country with pride. Thank you.

Received: February 22, 2015


Please pray for my daughter. She is 17 and going through a hard time figuring herself out. She is a good girl but has made some bad choicesm Please pray for guidance and strength. Please also pray for her relationship with her boyfriend. Let God work his plan and give her comfort with his choices for her.

Received: February 22, 2015

Laura Perryman

Healing for Alby, Terry F; friends who are experiencing difficulties with work situations; Darlene: job/financial, encouragement; Mandi & Emily; safety for those who have to be out in this weather; provision for mission teams going out in March; Michael; me

Received: February 22, 2015

Michele Fields-Shaw

I am requesting serious intervening by the Holy Spirit. I am at my wits end and feel like giving up completely. I have been searching for employment with no luck. I have been trying to get my vehicle registered in this county, no luck unless I can pay $500 because the title is incorrect. I have been trying desperately to find my own home, no luck. I can't take much more and don't know what to do anymore except pray and I'm starting to think it's all for nothing. How do you come out of a place of desperation when you feel completely abandoned? Please pray for any sign from God.

Received: February 21, 2015

Titania Paige

Please pray for my cousin-in law, Toya. She had given up after 3 other miscarriages, but she is now 20 weeks pregnant and the doctor is telling her that she is losing the baby. Please pray that God heals the child, and that this baby lives without medical conditions. Whether it is or is not God's will, please pray that the family comes into a more into a more intimate relationship with Christ through this situation.

Received: February 20, 2015


A Co-worker slipped on the ice and had to be hospitalized.

Received: February 18, 2015

Richard Gurley

Please pray for Bob Horan, He is in Cookeville Regional Medical Center. Bob suffered a severe heart attack. He is on a respirator and the prognosis doesn't look good .

Received: February 17, 2015

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